Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

I had a great weekend with you mom. I love you!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Roommate Response

So... I am looking for a new roommate. Here is an example of the type of response I've have received so far:

Good Day,
My name is _____ , I came across your Advert on craigslist.org and am extremely interested about the place for rent cos i see you are a very well kind hearted and easygoing person to get the place from....Please if you don't mind I will like to have answers to the following questions below:

i)I will like to have the rent fee per month plus the utilities

ii) I will like to have the description of the Place, size, and the equipments in there

iii) Also I will like to know if there is any garage or parking space cos I will have my own car come over

iv) I will also be coming with some of my furniture,that is if it is allowed,like bed,book shelf and shoe's rank etc

v) I will also l ike to know if I can make an advance payment ahead my arrival that will be as a kind of commitment that I am truly coming over and for you to hold the room down for me

LASTLY:I will like to know more about you and also I will like to have your pics as for me to know how you look like.

Here is all I can say about my self for now
I am 30 years old and I work full time, Monday through Friday and have weekends off except for once a month.I'm from spain, my Dad is a Spanish Man while my Mom is an American,I was born and raised in Tucson Arizona, but presently i'm in Abuja, Nigeria on a business trip for more than 4 months

I am not really a sports person, BUT I do love Hockey Games, I am a very out going person and fun to be with. I do play the Organ and piano, and i have both piano and Organ there at my house. I am not a drinker and I don't smoke and I don't do drugs. I would like to go out with you on weekends and weeknights when I am free. I like going to movies, concerts, plays, I like camping, hiking, bike ridding, swimming, and I love to travel

I am a very dedicated individual who is totally committed to human development, friendly, very trustworthy and value relationship. I am a laid back person, I love traveling, sporting and Enjoy meeting people around the world. I am an easy going person and look forward to meet kind hearted, loving and caring person that is very responsible and understanding, someone I can really get along with. I will take my time to get you one of my pics in my next mail for you to know how I look like, I am sure you will like me

Thanks and have a good time.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Attention all Naples Yoga Instructors!

Know that you are accumulating very bad karma because of the ridiculously high prices you charge for your classes which force me to do yoga at home with Bunks and the devil kitty. I hope you come back in your next life as a (downward facing) dog.

Friday, July 18, 2008

You're very rude!

Don't throw your shit in my trash can... especially your smelly ass food... and especially since you have your own trash can! It's rude!

Monday, July 14, 2008


Friday, July 11, 2008

Quiz Night!

So we went to the English Pub for Quiz night on Thursday. I quickly realized I was the dumbest person in the bar. Abbie even gave me the "dumb pat" on the leg as in: "awww... just sit there and look cute...."

I knew exactly two questions out of about 50. I knew that "lice" is plural for "louse" and I could identify a picture of George Michael from like 1984. (thanks mom- I owe that one to you) My teammates, however, were not confident in my answers(and who could blame them) and decided not to write them down.

Oh well, I did learn the legend of Hobgoblin Beer- so the evening wasn't a complete waste.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Scrabulous Champion!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Firecracker Firecracker Boom Boom Boom

So- we were slackers and didn't get all of our list completed... here is what we managed to complete:

Thursday, July 3, 2008

4th of July Checklist

Jen and I have dedicated this weekend to be filled with 4th of July fun and all stuff that is "American".

The Checklist:

1. See fireworks
2. go to a baseball game
3. eat hot dogs
4. drink American beer
5. apple pie
6. corn
7. McDonald's
8. go to the beach
9. say the pledge
10. sing the Star Spangled Banner
11. say the pledge
12. BBQ
13. wear Red White and Blue
14. Wave a flag
15. light a sparkler
16. go to a parade

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The List

My bucket list...


- hot air balloon ride
- whale watching
- see a boxing match in Vegas
- learn to surf in Costa Rica
- European Cruise
- NY for Christmas (that's all you Abbie)
- see the Grand Canyon
- go to Thailand
- walk thru a rain forest
- Australia
- go snow skiing
- see an opera
- go on a vacation where i can buy and do whatever i want
- see the Dali Lama
- visit Anna in Sweden
- get a tattoo
- go to Seattle
- learn to play the piano
- get MBA
- go on a safari
- go to a topless beach
- learn more about wine
- see space shuttle launch
- pick a destination at the airport
- take a trip on a train
- see Alaska
- see DC
- do all my travels with someone i love
- go rock climbing
- see the great wall of China
- drink in Ireland
- see Paris
- be in a huge food fight
- run 1/2 marathon
- learn to scuba dive
- swim with dolphins
- buy my mom a house
- take a gondola in Venice
- learn to salsa dance
- own a really great/expensive piece of art
- have a house full of art and artifacts from my travels
- throw a drink in some one's face
- make a huge donation to St. Jude
- become debt free!
- buy a Murano glass ring in Italy
- host a Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner for my whole family
- see a soccer game in Spain
- sing karaoke
- go river rafting
- stay in an ashram
- get married
- have a baby
- adopt a baby
- have a "summer home" and a "winter cabin"
- own a business
- grow a garden
