Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The List

My bucket list...


- hot air balloon ride
- whale watching
- see a boxing match in Vegas
- learn to surf in Costa Rica
- European Cruise
- NY for Christmas (that's all you Abbie)
- see the Grand Canyon
- go to Thailand
- walk thru a rain forest
- Australia
- go snow skiing
- see an opera
- go on a vacation where i can buy and do whatever i want
- see the Dali Lama
- visit Anna in Sweden
- get a tattoo
- go to Seattle
- learn to play the piano
- get MBA
- go on a safari
- go to a topless beach
- learn more about wine
- see space shuttle launch
- pick a destination at the airport
- take a trip on a train
- see Alaska
- see DC
- do all my travels with someone i love
- go rock climbing
- see the great wall of China
- drink in Ireland
- see Paris
- be in a huge food fight
- run 1/2 marathon
- learn to scuba dive
- swim with dolphins
- buy my mom a house
- take a gondola in Venice
- learn to salsa dance
- own a really great/expensive piece of art
- have a house full of art and artifacts from my travels
- throw a drink in some one's face
- make a huge donation to St. Jude
- become debt free!
- buy a Murano glass ring in Italy
- host a Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner for my whole family
- see a soccer game in Spain
- sing karaoke
- go river rafting
- stay in an ashram
- get married
- have a baby
- adopt a baby
- have a "summer home" and a "winter cabin"
- own a business
- grow a garden


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