Monday, December 8, 2008

Making a list and checking it twice...

christmas Pictures, Images and Photos

Christmas Checklist:
□ Buy a tree
□ Bake cookies
□ Make a gingerbread house
□ See a Christmas movie
□ Drink eggnog
□ See snow (I’ll need help with this one)
o Make a snow angel
□ Buy presents
□ Sing Christmas songs
□ Kiss under the mistletoe
□ Decorate house
o Put up Christmas lights
□ Send out cards
□ Get picture taken with Santa
□ Hang stockings
□ Buy a Toys for Tots gift
□ Eat a candy cane
□ Drink cider
□ Sit by a fire
□ Drink hot cocoa
□ See family
□ Drive around and look at Christmas lights

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