Friday, July 31, 2009

Conversations with Ashley

This blog is inspired by Conversations with Deb (excellent).

NFA (no fun Ashley): You should go to meditation tonight.
FunAshley: But it's raining!
NFA: You should go workout then.
FunAshley: But you just put an offer in on a condo! Let's celebrate with wine and popcorn!
NFA: You don't even have wine.
FunAshley: You can steel wine from the neighbors.
NFA: Steeling isn't the Buddhist way.
FunAshley: You've already stole it once... you are really just steeling the replacement.
NFA: Wine and popcorn make you fat.
FunAshley: This is one of the few times you have zero responsibility. Eat. Drink. and be Merry! (and watch Say Yes to the Dress!)

Guess who won...


I always feel duped when I band I despise comes out with a song that I actually like. When I found out that "I Gotta Feeling" song is by the Black Eyed Peas- I was suddenly embarrassed for liking it. I mean... what would people THINK if they heard me humming along?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Down on the farm...

So I had mentioned that I moved into a new place awhile back. What I didn't say, is that I am actually living in someones guest house and that it is kind of in the boonies and there are farm animals... like these cute little guys:

And Snap- he is my favorite...

But this furry little creature is sooo NOT cute.

A good little Buddhist would have saved this eight legged, flesh eating insect- and set it free in the wild. I chose to drown him in Raid instead. (I have a long way to go to reach enlightenment)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

One step forward and two steps back...

Today is my new friend Lila's birthday and we are meeting up tonight for dinner and drinks. This means I would have to miss the spin class I usually take on Wednesdays evenings. Being the new and improved fitness superwoman I am- I set my alarm for 5:30am and actually got my sleepy ass in the gym for a 45 minute workout.

I started out strong- feeling good- feeling superior to all you losers out there who were still sleeping while I'm blasting fat from my chubby thighs. 20minutes in - someone put on a pot of coffee and the Folgers aroma began to zap my zest- still, I elliptical-ed on.

Fast forward to 10:10. I'm at work. Dragging. WTF? Aren't I supposed to have a runners high that is to last me all day? Isn't that what all you runners are always boasting about? I can't take it any more and end up buying a grande no fat vanilla latte from Starbucks. 200 calories. damn. That is 1/2 of what I burned working out. Oh well.

On the plus side- check out my new ring!

(and yes my hands look old- so what?!)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So I have to stop following the blog I am Style-ish. It just makes me depressed.

A. because I have no style and
B. This chic is out buying $600+ Louboutin heels while I am soaking my feet in the "car wash bucket" with Dawn because I can't even afford a $35 pedicure!

I wonder if there will ever be a time in my life where I think it is ok to spend that much money on a pair of shoes.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Root root root for the home team

So the B-friend and I went to a baseball game last night. Two for Tuesday always draws an unusual crowd. Here are a few of the sights and sounds of that night:

1- One of my biggest pet peeves- a young floozy in 3" heels and a black dress
2- "This wiener is pale"
3- My favorite- 3 old men sitting behind us debating on the best pitchers of all time
4- An eight year old girl wearing the exact same shorts I wore to work that day (no more shopping at Forever 21)
5- The little girl in front of us charging her brother and sister for each bite of cotton candy they took "that bite is 10 cents!"
6- Everyone moving higher to the metal bleachers and metal overhang when the lightening storm hit
7- Abbie and I shouting encouraging remarks to the batter:
"Come on #22! We have faith in you!"
"Way to go #13- we knew you could do it!"
"That's ok #21 you did your best!"
8- 3 ticket attendants singing a capella at the stadium bar

Monday, July 20, 2009

I don't give a Fiddler's Fart

Just a quick note...

Yesterday Frank McCourt died. He is the author of two of my favorite books- Angela's Ashes and 'Tis (Teacher Man was also pretty good). These books were memoirs of his life- so I felt like I knew him - which makes his death all the more sad.

(Title of this blog is a quote from Angela's Ashes)

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Quote of the day... Jan Neethling from says:

"Good nutrition is 80% what you eat; 30% exercise and 5% supplementation."

Love it.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Let's hear it for the White Blue and Red !

There is something about fireworks that make you want to be with the one you love. Since the one I love is in NY- I decided that I would celebrate the 4th with my own red, white and blue.

Starting with WHITE sands

BLUE Jello-O Shots

And ending with a RED sunburn

**btw- if you ever want to see something really gross- Google the word "sunburn."

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Today will be the day that I will drag myself out of this funk I have been in for the past week. I think some mega fun is in order.