Wednesday, July 29, 2009

One step forward and two steps back...

Today is my new friend Lila's birthday and we are meeting up tonight for dinner and drinks. This means I would have to miss the spin class I usually take on Wednesdays evenings. Being the new and improved fitness superwoman I am- I set my alarm for 5:30am and actually got my sleepy ass in the gym for a 45 minute workout.

I started out strong- feeling good- feeling superior to all you losers out there who were still sleeping while I'm blasting fat from my chubby thighs. 20minutes in - someone put on a pot of coffee and the Folgers aroma began to zap my zest- still, I elliptical-ed on.

Fast forward to 10:10. I'm at work. Dragging. WTF? Aren't I supposed to have a runners high that is to last me all day? Isn't that what all you runners are always boasting about? I can't take it any more and end up buying a grande no fat vanilla latte from Starbucks. 200 calories. damn. That is 1/2 of what I burned working out. Oh well.

On the plus side- check out my new ring!

(and yes my hands look old- so what?!)

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