Monday, June 30, 2008

Mama said they'd take me anywhere!

Bought new shoes today...

Now I can leap over tall buildings... run faster than a cheetah... and moon walk.

Go Nike!


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

People at the Gym

I've been going to the same gym for about two years now... off and on if I'm being honest here. And for the past two years I have seen the same people workout. I notice very little in their appearance from when I first started going to the gym though. I wonder if:

A. they are not working out hard enough
B. they have a super poor diet
C. maybe I just don't notice a difference in their appearance because I see them all the time

It's like sometimes when I see a large(r) person running - I always wonder if they are just starting out with running or if running just doesn't do it for them.

I wonder how many people see me at the gym and think to themselves "that girl should workout harder and/or eat better." Ha. I probably need to do both.

Well... I'm off to the gym!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Coyote Ugly

Within the past month there have been 11 coyote attacks in Fort Myers and Bonita.

Now, I already have issues with Bunks chasing bunnies, opossums and snakes now I have to worry about coyotes?!

This is a sad story- but the quote about the food court makes me laugh - it's stupid.

"I give you choice A-- here's a bow. Here's some arrows. Here's some deer in the Everglades. Or here's five bucks. Here's the food court. For the coyote, your dog is the food court," David Tetzlaff, Executive Director at the Naples Zoo said.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Let me see you get Lo

I hopped on my scale this morning and it said "Lo"! Can you say AWESOME!?

Ok- it might mean that my battery is "Lo" - but I'm going to pretend it means my weight. There is no way I'm buying a new battery now.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth!?!

My language:

Meaning: When something is delicious
Example "My lunch was loaded"
Origin: Justin- whose mother would feed him when he was baby by saying mmmmmmloadedwithdelicious

Light it up
Meaning: Let's do this or make it happen
Example: "Let's plan a vacation" "Ok- light it up"
Origin: Danielle, who mistakenly thought I said "smoke a joint " when i really said "go detriot" to which she replied "light it up!"

Meaning: Word used when something has gone wrong also a standard greeting to and from Crystal
Origin: How we thought our cat Hydro would say his own name. No idea how it came to mean something has gone wrong.

Meaning: The sound I make or sometimes the word I use when I am completely frustrated.
Origin: one Lex and Terry show they had people roar like a lion. I tried it in my car and have used it ever since.

DG or DB
Meaning: Dirty Girl or Dirty Boy
Origin: unknown

Meaning: An acronym for Suck A Nasty D***
Example: "Well you can go SAND!"
Origin: I was mad at someone and Crystal told me to tell them to "Suck a D***" I'm not sure how the Nasty was added in

Josie - short for Josie Grossie
Meaning: Someone who is nasty
Example:"Way to go Josie" (after my dog rolls in mud)
Origin: Comes from the movie Never Been Kissed

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Flight from hell

I knew it was going to happen to me one day. Just as everyone will experience chickenpox in their lifetime, I also think that everyone (everyone who flies anyway) will also experience a turbulent plane ride.

Flying back home from NY, I sat in the window seat and was so annoyed when the man next to me didn't scoot over to the aisle when it was apparent that that seat was going to be empty.

About 1/2 way through the flight we hit a huge thunderstorm over the Carolina's. We experienced major turbulence off and on for about 40 min. The plane rocked from left to right and kept dropping down. I honestly felt like I was going to die and was on the verge of tears.

I knew talk to someone before total panic set in. So, I tapped on the arm of the man next to me and forced him to stop watching the Mets game and have a conversation with me. Frank was his name and although I did almost all of the talking- it made me feel so much better.

Thank you Frank from Fort Myers- you have no idea how much I appreciate you being there and not scooting to the aisle seat!

I did a little research:

(picture- Abbie and I in Bayville)