Wednesday, June 18, 2008

People at the Gym

I've been going to the same gym for about two years now... off and on if I'm being honest here. And for the past two years I have seen the same people workout. I notice very little in their appearance from when I first started going to the gym though. I wonder if:

A. they are not working out hard enough
B. they have a super poor diet
C. maybe I just don't notice a difference in their appearance because I see them all the time

It's like sometimes when I see a large(r) person running - I always wonder if they are just starting out with running or if running just doesn't do it for them.

I wonder how many people see me at the gym and think to themselves "that girl should workout harder and/or eat better." Ha. I probably need to do both.

Well... I'm off to the gym!

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