Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sweet Dreams are Made of These

I hate dreaming. I continuously have these extremely vivid dreams that keep my mind working throughout the night so that I never feel like I get a solid 7 hours of sleep.

Here are the dreams I've had this past week.

- Saturday Night: I am driving in through a Blair Witch-Esq woods and an owl flies into my car window and lands on my arm and I have to throw stuffed animals at it to get it off of my arm.

-Sunday Night: I'm in a field with a bunch of friends (who are really people I don't know) and there are funnel clouds popping up left and right- but I am the only person who cares and I keep running to the bathroom to hide and then running out again to try and save the other people.

- Monday Night: I am at a fair with my dad. There is a huge field and we have to cross a river of snakes to get to a shack. We walk into the shack and there is President Jimmy Carter. I hug Jimmy Carter and start crying because I realize that he is my grandfather. I tell him that I loved his book on Palestine and he was happy that the youth of Laguna Beach could enjoy it.

- Reoccurring dream: I'm on a beach being chased by a giant crab in penny loafers.

Hmmm... I should consult my dreambook on that last one.

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