Tuesday, September 30, 2008

facts on oral cancer

Coast Dental is the worst! They asked me to sign off on my charges before the actual exam. The total bill was $100:

$30 – Fluoride treatment
$10 – Exam
$60- Oral cancer screening

Oral cancer screening?!What a load of crap! They even play a DVD in the waiting room about the dangers of oral cancer to scare you into paying for the test. Looks like someone is trying to rip off their customers...

Here are some oral cancer facts:

Oral Cancer
The risk for oral cancer increases with age. The American Cancer Society (ACS) reports that more than half of oral cancer patients are 65 years of age or older - and that oral cancer is twice as likely in men as women.

The ACS also reports the following:

Primary risk factors for oral cancer are:

Tobacco use - an estimated 90 percent of oral cancer patients use tobacco. A smoker is six times more likely to develop oral cancer than a non-smoker. Smokeless tobacco users are at 50 times the risk of oral cancers of the cheek, gums and inner surface of the lips.

Alcohol use - over 75 percent of oral cancer patients drink alcohol more than occasionally. While heavy drinkers are at higher risk for oral cancer, both drinking and smoking can be a deadly combination.

I am not over 65, I am not a male, I don’t smoke and I’m not an alcoholic. I refused cancer screening as well as the fluoride treatment- my bill was $10. Suckas!

Monday, September 29, 2008

xoxo Gossip Girl

In celebration of S taking over as Queen "B"- pardon the pun- on GG, Jess and I donned our best hair scarves and knee highs.Champagne and GG Mondays are the BEST!

Friday, September 26, 2008


Leave it to Jen and Adam to take an important event, the 1st presidential debate, and make it into a drinking game. Leave it to Jess and I to play along.

The four of us are now McCainiacs – due to his incessant use of the words America, strategy, and fundamentals that got us WASTED! God Bless America!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Still the champ

Dictionary: champion (chăm'pē-ən)

One that wins first place or first prize in a competition.

One that is clearly superior or has the attributes of a winner.

An ardent defender or supporter of a cause or another person: a champion of the homeless.

One who fights; a warrior.

Monday, September 22, 2008

We didn't have no internet

Since today is the first day of fall, I would like to start a petition for radio stations to stop playing All Summer Long ever again because it has literally been playing ALL SUMMER LONG. I swear if I hear Kid Rock one more time I’m going to punch a wall. It is on the radio every other song and is considered both a country and pop song- so there is no escaping the beyond horrible lyrics of this so- called summer anthem.

“We didn't have no Internet (double negative) But man I never will forget
The way the moonlight shined upon her hair”


“And we were trying different things
We were smoking funny things”

Seriously? Did he just rhyme “things” with “things”? The video to this brainless ditty is equally as terrible, with one scene being a boat with a stripper pole on the back and hooched out geishas dancing around it in their bikinis. I feel sorry for our younger generation of women who look at these DGs as something that is desirable.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Coyotes, Birds and Frogs Oh My!

These past two weeks I’ve lived in constant fear. I don’t want to go home, and when I am home I am scared to leave. Tropical Storm Fay has manifested my (2nd) biggest fear- frogs. Frogs everywhere. In the hallway, by my door, on my windows, the banister, the sidewalk- these teeny tiny slimy disgusting tree frogs are everywhere! I’m beyond scared of having one (or several) jump on me. I look spaz walking Bunks. I whiz down the stairs as fast as I can and bob and weave on the sidewalks to avoid them. As if my fear of coyotes and birds wasn’t enough- now I have to deal with this!

filthy creatures
**don’t worry this picture was taken from far, far away so that I was in no danger

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Rain check or the Rain King?

Two years ago Crystal and I bought 2 tickets to see the Counting Crows. A week before the concert we ending up winning 4 extra tickets- something I took to be a sign from the heavens above reaffirming that not only did I belonged at that concert, but that I was to share the goodness that is the Counting Crows with my friends. (Sadly we had no friends and had to share with strangers instead)

Fast forward to now… Counting Crows is headlining with Maroon5 another one of my favorite bands. I was heartbroken to learn that Abbie would not be able to attend the concert with me. His absence coupled with the fact that I am completely broke, forced me to decide NOT (gasp!) to attend this year's concert. Lo and behold I receive an email from Live Nation with Counting Crow tickets for $10!!!

Could it be another sign?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fat boy on diet... don't try it...

After two weeks of scarfing down French toast, Red Baron Pizza, and Sparks (mmmm… Sparks) it’s time to “cleanse” the body and get back into shape. My diet of choice, flashback to the 80’s… the Cabbage Soup Diet.

Day One:
Eat all of the fruit you want. Eat only your soup and the fruit for the first day.
Day Two:
Eat all the vegetables you want along with your soup.
Day Three:
Mix Days One and Two: Eat all the soup, fruits and vegetables you want.
Day Four:
Eat as many as eight bananas and drink as many glasses of skim milk as you would like on this day, along with your soup.
Day Five:
Ten to twenty ounces of beef and up to six fresh tomatoes. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water this day. Eat your soup at least once this day.
Day Six:
Eat to your heart's content of beef and vegetables this day.
Day Seven:
Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables.

I've never made it to the 7th day- and I don't intend to this time either. By day three I can't stand even the thought of the nasty soup. This will be hard...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

You really can wear it anywhere!

Just getting my money's worth of my bridesmaid dress...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

the devil's lil helpers

Towing companies are the root of all evil. I wish them all the very same demise as the Naples Yoga instructors for charging insanely high prices ($220!) for no reason.

I also spit on the staff of my apartment complex for enforcing a parking pass permit policy (say that 3 times fast) and only giving one notice, 4 weeks ago, of this new policy before calling on the devil's lil helpers aka West Coast Towing to clear out my parking lot. Bastards.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008