Thursday, September 18, 2008

Coyotes, Birds and Frogs Oh My!

These past two weeks I’ve lived in constant fear. I don’t want to go home, and when I am home I am scared to leave. Tropical Storm Fay has manifested my (2nd) biggest fear- frogs. Frogs everywhere. In the hallway, by my door, on my windows, the banister, the sidewalk- these teeny tiny slimy disgusting tree frogs are everywhere! I’m beyond scared of having one (or several) jump on me. I look spaz walking Bunks. I whiz down the stairs as fast as I can and bob and weave on the sidewalks to avoid them. As if my fear of coyotes and birds wasn’t enough- now I have to deal with this!

filthy creatures
**don’t worry this picture was taken from far, far away so that I was in no danger