Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Garble - Garble - Garble- Lights- Smoke- PRESTO!

For Christmas I bought Abbie and I tickets to go see David Copperfield in Fort Myers. As a guy who is constantly guessing what card I am holding while pulling quarters out of my ears- I thought it would be a fun thing to do.

I should have known that $80 tickets wouldn’t give us the best seats in the house. We were the third row from the back- on the 3rd balcony. We didn’t care though; we had 2 bottles of sake prior to seating and were ready for magic! The bright lights went low… overly dramatic music when high… and David in all of his silky shirt greatness sauntered onto the stage and said… “Swerekajouaogiudeiusa! Wekjowulkjf… Ixoughalij… ouuxzviududppsrr!”

WTF? My first thought was that he must be drunk- we can’t understand a word he says! But then we heard laughter from the floor level seats- they clearly knew what was going on.

Then I thought maybe WE were too drunk to understand David- but looking around at all of the other poor suckers on the 3rd balcony we quickly came to the conclusion that there was a sound system problem. So for the next hour we sat though “garble-garble- garble- *smoke* -*lights*-PRESTO!” It was too funny for words. The magic was still cool though- and because we didn’t receive “the full” experience Barbara B. Mann gave us tickets to see Sweeny Todd the musical! More to come on that one…
David Copperfield Pictures, Images and Photos

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