Monday, January 26, 2009

Some like it hot

Who would have thought that someone could take something I love so much and completely ruin it? Last week my friend asked me if I would take a class with her- and since I am now a “yes man” I accepted her invitation. For those who do not know- Bikram Yoga, also called hot yoga, is a type of yoga that is 90 minutes long and is preformed in a studio with a temperature of 105 degrees.

I‘ve been doing hatha yoga for about two years now - I walked into the studio ready to impress. Within the first 15 minutes I was ready to bolt. 20 minutes in and I was ready to pass out, throw up or both. The first thing they tell you is “no matter how you feel- never leave the studio” so instead of flying out the door ripping off my clothes, I obeyed and just laid there for the second half of the class. It wasn’t until the last 10 minutes of class that I even attempted to try the poses again. Finally the 90 minutes were over. I had survived. I think the heat must have gotten to head because for a brief second I thought “I should really try this again so that I am challenging myself with my workouts.” I immediately came to my senses and vowed to never take a Bikram class again. I’ll stick to my yoga classes- inside- with the AC on.

(notice the ruby red face and my enthusiasm for water)

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