Thursday, May 28, 2009

Abbley Road Trip 2009

Last week I returned from my 6 day road trip with Abbie- from Florida to New York. Between moving and traveling- I haven’t had the chance to blog. Now that I’m back to my routine, I should be more consistent.

So- I’m dying to share our vacation- I won’t bore you with all the details – just the highlights

1st Stop- Orlando: to visit Abbie’s friend Jason and Sue
•At the winery Sue forgot her ID and had to drink juice at the wine tasting.
•Drank margaritas and played Seinfeld Scene It (how to be a winner and a loser at the same time)

2nd Stop- Savannah:
Haunted Pub Crawl- had some beers- scared the oldest man in our group and forced a friendship on another couple on the tour (they hung out with us the rest of the night)

•Our first bar had a punching bag machine where a guy put in $50 ($1 per punch) we ooohhh and ahhhh at his macho-ness so that he would give us a few shots.

3rd Stop- South of the Border – the pictures explain it all

4th Stop- Raleigh
•Had an awesome 4 star hotel- bought popcorn from the movie theatre, champagne from Target and watched a movie in our room on our huge HD TV screen.

5th Stop- Shenandoah Valley
•Forgot firewood, food, water and music.
•Drank 2 bottles of champagne and played Last Word all night
•Couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night because there was a rat in the wall
•Shenandoah Scenic Highway- it was so foggy we couldn’t see any of the scenery.

6th Stop- Luray Caverns
•check out the pictures – amazing place
•Abbie’s favorite part of the trip – the garden maze

Last stop- New York – Abbie’s home for the summer.

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