Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One mans trash...

I haven’t been blogging because I’m in the process of moving… again. This time I am moving into a fully furnished apartment- forcing me to condense all of my belongings to fit on one warehouse shelf and one bedroom closet. For the past 5 years (or more) I have been lugging the same crap from apt to apt. Half of it isn’t even mine- ALL of my furniture for instance- was the original property of a former roommate. Now **!!!EVERYTHING MUST GO!!!**

Last night I went through my cedar chest that my grandfather made for me. In it lies crap that I have kept since elementary school.  I found diaries from 3rd grade, yearbooks, various trinkets and whatnots that once had a special meaning. I also found my National Physical Fitness award. I have no idea what the awards around my neck are for- or why I have kept these sunglasses. All of it is now in the trash though- well not my fitness badge- that’s going on the fridge. 

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