Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I think I'll go to Boston

My trip to Boston wasn't quite what I thought it would be. We arrived just in time to eat dinner at our hotel and crash. The next day I watch Abbie play golf in the pouring rain for 4 hours under 5 layers of jackets. (Being the Floridian that I am- I packed only summer clothes for this trip - it IS late June after all!) Abbie said I looked like Joey from Friends when he put on all of Chandlers clothes.

I sat in the airport for four hours to learn I wasn't going to make it on the flight back home. We grabbed a quick bite with Abbie's friends and crashed. I finally made it home today at 5. I had a little bit of a delay at the airport- so I purchased the book Twilight which I thought was pretty good until my friend told me her 10 year old step daughter loved it too. (Does that speak highly of her or less of me?)

This is the only picture I took on this trip. The only good thing about flying is being able to watch the sunset from above.

1 comment:

Randall @ Happy For This Moment said...

Sorry it was lame :( Twilight is a good, easy read but I certainly didn't get caught in all the hype. It's young adult fiction no matter how you play it.