Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Root root root for the home team

So the B-friend and I went to a baseball game last night. Two for Tuesday always draws an unusual crowd. Here are a few of the sights and sounds of that night:

1- One of my biggest pet peeves- a young floozy in 3" heels and a black dress
2- "This wiener is pale"
3- My favorite- 3 old men sitting behind us debating on the best pitchers of all time
4- An eight year old girl wearing the exact same shorts I wore to work that day (no more shopping at Forever 21)
5- The little girl in front of us charging her brother and sister for each bite of cotton candy they took "that bite is 10 cents!"
6- Everyone moving higher to the metal bleachers and metal overhang when the lightening storm hit
7- Abbie and I shouting encouraging remarks to the batter:
"Come on #22! We have faith in you!"
"Way to go #13- we knew you could do it!"
"That's ok #21 you did your best!"
8- 3 ticket attendants singing a capella at the stadium bar

1 comment:

Bird said...

You two are just too cute for words :)