Thursday, May 29, 2008

"I'll be right with you"

Let's talk about a little thing call CUSTOMER SERVICE. Something that the employees at AT&T, Staples and Pier 1 of Naples know nothing about.

Even when I was sixteen years old, working at Sears in the Junior's Department, I knew how to provide quality customer service.

This week at both Staples and Pier 1 in Naples (yes, i am calling you out) I was waiting to check out and the employee was busy working on something when I walked up (understandable). However, both employees at both stores didn't even acknowledge me until they were done (rude). IT IS COMMON COURTESY TO SAY "I'll be right with you." so that I am not just standing there wondering if I have somehow made myself invisible to the clerk!

And my customer service at AT&T off of Radio Road was the WORST. The salesgirl didn't even get off her chair and walk around the counter to help me. She instead barked instructions from a seated position while typing a text to her friend. FURTHERMORE- I made it clear that I was in a hurry to buy the phone that was out of stock. She said that she would call me as soon as it was in. What she failed to mention was that she had the next day off. Good thing I called or else I would have never known the phone was in and ready to be picked up!WTF!

rude. rude. rude.

*** on a happier note... is my new phone cute or what!?! ***

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