Friday, May 23, 2008

More from Sin City

- You better save your girl... "nah- she can run." Shiiiiit, I can sprint!
- Flashbacks- "I'm cronfused." "hands in the back, hands in the back"
- Here's my pickup line "I drive an 82 Acura" No seriously - I do.
- I would totally fall for a guy that said "I have a puppy... wanna come back to my place?"
- (Harrah's pool DJ- nobody wants to relive this)
- This is just like the pool at the Palms... just 30 years later.
- I don't do blue drinks- braces.
- Tony- show her how you swim! Tony- give tiffanie a hug! Tony- don't you smile! Tony- sing for Tiffanie!
- Ok girls! you need to pick which one of you is going to be really embarrassed (both point to Shanna)
- Shanna's BJ Drink.
- hmmm... i guess rat tails are back in style.
- What do you sell? plastic? is that plastic? is that acrylic? Lucite? oh- plastic?
- Spit Shanna! you know you don't swallow anyways.
- I'll have the baked beans ... on second thought... I'll have the fries
- Tiffanie? you ok in there!?!? Maybe we should give her some privacy.
- Shanna: I have to go to the bathroom... again.
- Hi, my name is Sing. Hi, my name is Math.
- Here, I'll pour that for you (drink all down Ashley's leg). um.. Let's go! now!
- You've only had 3 beers?!?! wow. how are you going to make it through this weekend?
- I NEVER SAID I WANTED TO GO TO EXPRESS!... yes you did! i said: "they have an Express do you want to go there?" you said: "yes" ... Oh, yeah, i might have said that.
- Friday = in bed at 9pm :-(
- Let's just say I didn't wake up alone. That's all im going to say about that.
- you have to put your shoes on or you will step on glass. "I WOULD RATHER WALK ON GLASS THAN WEAR THESE SHOES!"
-So you dont work in Vegas? Did he give you some of our $100? (I think he thinks we are hookers)
- Hey he thinks we are hookers. Ok- well let me get a free drink and we'll go, ok?
-(drunk girl pushing her way up to the bar- throws money all over bar)
-Do you have my name on your body too? "I bet you $20 I have your name on my leg!"
- Elbowing people away by dancing crazy.
- He heard what you said. Hey! you heard what she said right? Yes you did- tell her you heard what she said.
- vacant and vacant

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