Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Needs which must be met...

I took a behavioral studies survey to analyze how I behave in a work environment. The findings were dead on. Below is a list of "some needs which must be met in order for Ashley to perform at an optimum level"

I particularly love #9. In case you are wondering- "tangible things" include: money, jewelry, puppies, cookies and flowers.

Ashley Needs:

  1. To set professional and family goals.

  2. Conditioning prior to change.

  3. Reassurances that she is doing the job right.

  4. A program to encourage creativity and self-worth.

  5. A quality product in which to believe.

  6. Clear assignments with detailed instructions.

  7. A feeling of belonging--to know how important she is to the team.

  8. Shortcut methods that don't affect quality of the work.

  9. Rewards in terms of tangible things, not just flattery and praise.

  10. Support in the clutch or when pressured for quick results.

  11. Capable associates with which to work.

  12. Assistance in new or difficult assignments.

**an example for #9 corgi Pictures, Images and Photos

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