Friday, March 6, 2009


For those astute readers of mine… you might have noticed that under the RUNNING category there is only one sad and lonely entry. And that quite frankly that is because running sucks. It sucks! I hate running and I don’t know why on earth I thought that I would somehow magically start liking it. I think I like the idea of being a runner. I feel that runners are better people. They are usually early risers and they are so committed to their fitness that they’ve picked an activity that requires no gym membership - an activity that they can do anywhere- even when they are on vacation! And there is no denying the amazing legs that are the result of running.

I fully intending on become a runner but when I realized that I would rather get a root canal than run- I stopped. I did however, replace it with something better. Spinning. I started taking spinning classes at my gym about 2 months ago and I love it! Unfortunately I can’t write anything interesting about my spin classes but I felt the need to explain my one entry (now two) under the running category. Who knows, maybe this will give me those sexy runner's legs I’ve always wanted- if that happens there will surely be another post.
Spin Class

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