Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kicking it old school

Lack of subject matter is forcing me to kick it myspace style and do a survey blog. Enjoy.

I Am:

A lean mean blogging machine.

I Want:

A nice place to live that is in a great neighborhood… or a puppy

I Have:

One hand in my pocket and the other is playing a piano.

I Wish:

I had the DVD set of “How I Met Your Mother”

I Hate:

When I’m witty after the fact.

I Fear:

Tornadoes and frogs or worse- a tornado of frogs!

I Hear:

You got beef?!

I Search:

With Google

I Wonder:

Who READ the book of love- much less who wrote it

I Regret:

Not learning how to take shots in college

I Love:

Puppies, cupcakes, and AbbieV

I Ache:

I burn! I yearn!

I Always:

Say- “Dance like no one’s watching”

I Usually:

Lie about things “I always say”

I Am Not:

A crook!

I Dance:

With glow sticks

I Sing:

Down down do ya thang do ya thang

I Never:

Look a gift horse in the mouth- ever.

I Rarely:

Make friend with people who use the word “hater”

I Cry:

At every episode of Extreme Home Makeover

I Am Not Always:

Going to be this boring- I promise- follow me anyway.

I Lose:

To no one!

I'm Confused:

About that hair bump some girls wear.

I Need:

Extensions in my hair and bamboo earrings – at least 2 pairs.

I Should:

Be more active so I have something REAL to blog about.

I Dream:

Of Sparks and Doritos.

And as an added bonus- an old school pic of me, Jen and Crystal posing like Paris Hilton.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I've been working on my Photoshop skills lately. 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wang Chung Tonight

My new friend Lila invited me to see Xiayin Wang, a prize winning pianist, last night at the Phil.

. “The refinement and understated beauty of Wang’s playing is of a loveliness to draw tears from a sensitive listener,” noted the American Record Guide.  

 While I wasn’t exactly tearing up – it was an interesting event to be at. Basically it’s just Wang and a piano for 2 hours. There is nothing really interesting to look at or do. I kept scanning the crowd wondering what everyone else in the audience was thinking while listening to the music. The couple in front of us kept looking at each other nodding. I wondered if they were nodding in approval, nodding to stay awake, or nodding to a secret conversation I couldn’t hear.

The concert wasn’t exactly my scene (or Lila’s- I’m guessing) so we quickly returned to our roots and had a beer and nachos at the Ale House after the performance.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bunks in the Trunks

Since I've started bringing Bunks to work with me everyday- she has stopped making the "I'm going to barf all over your backseat" face. This past week she's even been showing signs of a REAL dog and is starting to put her little nose out the window when I drive. Progress folks!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

the good and the bad

The Good: Abbie got met this cute lil' Easter basket.

The Bad: Something awful happend to the Easter bunny

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Abbley Sushi Review

Last night we went to the super exclusive Abbley Sushi for dinner. Besides having a super hot wait staff/chefs- Abbley Sushi had pretty good rolls! We ordered:

1) The Way Too Much Rice Roll
2) The Way Too Much Wasabi Roll
3) Ashley's Loadedwithdelicious Roll
4) Abbie's WannaBe Ashley's Roll Roll

Later we chopped up this dog and made a roll out of her as well.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Abbie's Birthday Weekend

This weekend Abbie and I went to Siesta Key to celebrate his birthday. *enjoy*

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Circle of Life

Just when I gave up hope- Spring kicked in and my hibiscus plant has come to life! I was lthisl close to tossing it.  Now we all must say a prayer that my other hibiscus tree will experience the same growth spurt.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Q1: Update

I figure if I give my quarterly updates then I would be more inclined to stick with my goal. So here are my 2009 resolution updates:

1. Change my workout routine. I got off to a slow start on this one- not being fully dedicated to my workouts until Feb. But so far I have lost 5lbs and 2.7% body fat. aahhh yeaahh!  I've added the most awful workout class called Body Pump  (kicks my ass) and have been doing 2-3 spin classes a week. Last night I took a Body Flow class that will now be added to the regular lineup

2. Pay off credit cards. Visa card= paid, Other Credit Credit= 1/2 way down thanks to my tax refund.

3. Cut back on my TV time - Not doing so hot with this one. After working out and then making dinner all I want to do is crash in front of the TV. I've actually ADDED The Biggest Loser to my TV programs. 

4. Yes Woman-  Through my blogs you can track my "Yes" experiences. I honestly haven't had too many things come up. Hopefully these next 3 months will be more exciting so I'll have something to write about.

5. Fun Goal- I came up with a fun goal that I have yet to acheive. I'll post it when I do.