Thursday, April 2, 2009

Q1: Update

I figure if I give my quarterly updates then I would be more inclined to stick with my goal. So here are my 2009 resolution updates:

1. Change my workout routine. I got off to a slow start on this one- not being fully dedicated to my workouts until Feb. But so far I have lost 5lbs and 2.7% body fat. aahhh yeaahh!  I've added the most awful workout class called Body Pump  (kicks my ass) and have been doing 2-3 spin classes a week. Last night I took a Body Flow class that will now be added to the regular lineup

2. Pay off credit cards. Visa card= paid, Other Credit Credit= 1/2 way down thanks to my tax refund.

3. Cut back on my TV time - Not doing so hot with this one. After working out and then making dinner all I want to do is crash in front of the TV. I've actually ADDED The Biggest Loser to my TV programs. 

4. Yes Woman-  Through my blogs you can track my "Yes" experiences. I honestly haven't had too many things come up. Hopefully these next 3 months will be more exciting so I'll have something to write about.

5. Fun Goal- I came up with a fun goal that I have yet to acheive. I'll post it when I do.

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