Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wang Chung Tonight

My new friend Lila invited me to see Xiayin Wang, a prize winning pianist, last night at the Phil.

. “The refinement and understated beauty of Wang’s playing is of a loveliness to draw tears from a sensitive listener,” noted the American Record Guide.  

 While I wasn’t exactly tearing up – it was an interesting event to be at. Basically it’s just Wang and a piano for 2 hours. There is nothing really interesting to look at or do. I kept scanning the crowd wondering what everyone else in the audience was thinking while listening to the music. The couple in front of us kept looking at each other nodding. I wondered if they were nodding in approval, nodding to stay awake, or nodding to a secret conversation I couldn’t hear.

The concert wasn’t exactly my scene (or Lila’s- I’m guessing) so we quickly returned to our roots and had a beer and nachos at the Ale House after the performance.

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