Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?

Tell me that the check out clerk at Publix couldn't tell I was spending this weekend alone with these purchases:

  • Pizza "for one"
  • small ice cream
  • large bottle of wine
  • very large dog bone
  • toilet paper
So what if this is my idea of a great Friday? Who says I need my boyfriend here to have a good time? I have decided to create a list of reasons why I am happy - that's right- HAPPY my boyfriend is currently not living here with me (and no- I didn't get dumped- he's in NY till Oct.)
  1. I can eat the same meal every single night for dinner- like my favorite popcorn and wine
  2. Two words: Granny Panties- and not the cute boy shorts kind- I'm talking Target Fruit of the Loom 5 pack.
  3. Last weekend I rented Twilight, Rachel at Wedding, and Confessions of a Shopaholic. enough said.
  4. I can sleep in the middle of the bed... with Bunkie
  5. I can watch of Say Yes to the Dress or any other wedding show of my choosing without worrying about him running for the hills.
  6. Less laundry
  7. I can come home and immediately change into my pajama pants and tank top... okay, okay- I totally do that when he is here too
Alright. I can only think of 7. He needs to move here quick before I turn into a fat hermit.

1 comment:

Bird said...

haha! Loved.this.