Friday, September 4, 2009

F the Polar Bears

We've all seen the Noah Wyle PSA about polar bears. It's so obnoxious. Polar bears? Really? I'm from Florida, I say that we save the manatee. They've been on the endagered species list forever! Where are the celebrities lining up for this cause? Manatees are called gentle giants. Never will a manatee maul you to death. Manatees are curious, friendly, herbivores. Polar bears are vicious, unpredictable carnivores. F polar bears! That's what I say!

** this my friends, is a pin that my brother bought me when I was in 3rd grade. I begged for this thing. ha.**

So I wanted to add the actual Noah Wyle commercial and found this. Apparently I am not the only one that thinks this is ridiculous.

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