Saturday, September 12, 2009

PSA- check your credit report!

Listen to this mess.

The Golfer and I have been trying to buy a condo for about a month now. We have the biggest bunch of clowns working for us to make this happen. Now, everyone says they felt the same way when they bought a house- blah, blah, blah. But I wonder how many people have had this happen to them... (intrigued aren't you?)

Our first mistake is not having our own Realtor- we went with the selling agent. In fact, we have never even met our Realtor- so we really have no one on our side looking out for our best interests.

Moving on... the real issue is with our Mortgage Broker who we refer to as "Mo Bro" because he talks as if he is a 21 year old, smoking his bong all day long. (we have never met him either)Friday was our closing day and despite 3 extensions and a $1,500 increase in our closing costs- the closing was going to happen. I go in at 10:30 and sign my life away on a the largest packet of papers I've ever seen. While signing, I noticed that my SS# was incorrect on every paper. Directed by the title lady- I crossed off the incorrect number and wrote in the correct one. I even made a joke about Mo Bro being a F*** up and not correcting the SS# when I noticed the mistake MONTHS ago.

So I'm waiting and waiting to hear from my Realtor about when/where I can get the key to my new place (she was conveniently decided to go to Miami on our closing date). Around 4:30 I was informed that my loan was back in underwriting because the entire loan had been based on someone else's SS#!!! Now, my Mo Bro says this is not the case, that something else has caused a delay in me getting my key, but another person from his company says that it is in fact, in underwriting. Now I have $9,500 out of my checking account, no key to my condo, and no idea what is going on!

So, let this be a lesson to everyone. Check your credit reports! Because some poor unsuspecting person has had their credit ran, god knows how many times, for a condo they know nothing about!

Everyone out there please send happy thoughts that I get this condo. I think at this point they should just give it to me. That seems fair, right?

**I like to include pictures with each post but my camera is broke. I've chosen this kitten to represent my frustration because nothing shows anger like a cute kitten that appears to be screaming.

scream Pictures, Images and Photos

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