Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ASH (ley) Wednesday

In celebration of ASH(ley) Wednesday - and of my 100th blog post- I am listing 25 random facts about me. (yes this idea is stolen from Facebook)

1. I pretend that I’ve always known the lyrics to Viva la Vida- when in fact I had to look them up.
2. Sometimes (like now) I stay an hour after work so that it looks like I’m a stellar employee- but I am really just writing my blog.
3. My day is automatically 20 times better if I have captured another ridiculous car with my camera.Photobucket
4. I know nothing about wine- and I fear I never will. (“smells like… wine”)
5. I watch the Young and the Restless every day when I go home for lunch.
young and the restless Pictures, Images and Photos
6. I wish other people watched Y&R so that we can discuss what is going on.
7. I feel that my taste in music is superior to everyone else’s.
8. I can’t blow my nose.
9. I once slaughtered Crystal in a box assembling competition.
10. Abbers and I are so poor that we can’t afford DVR and have to record our favorite shows on a VHS tape.
11. I panic when/if people ask me geography questions.
12. The secret to Bunkie’s (my dog) shiny coat is that I never- ever- give her a bath.

13. It is a goal in my life to learn how to apply eye makeup correctly.
14. I graduated cum laude from college and try to include that fact in everyday conversations.
15. Right now my favorite color is green.
16. I love white shirts. I own three pairs of the same white shirt from Target as well as three white button-down shirts. I feel that you can never have too many white shirts.

17. I think I am a lucky person- so it actually surprises me when I don’t win the lottery.
18. I’m a big fan of Publix, Google and RainX.
19. My new favorite drink is a vodka tonic with a splash of pink lemonade
20. I g-chat with Jen all M-F all day long.
21. In my next life I will be covered with tattoos.
back tattoo Pictures, Images and Photos
22. I feel awkward when I have to hug someone.
23. I’m even worse when I have to kiss them on the cheek.
24. I’ve recently become obsessed with the brick breaker game on my blackberry
25. I could eat pizza every night for the rest of my life and never get tired of it.

1 comment:

Bird said...

You're too funny :) Loved your list; number 10 was so cute that it made me laugh out my cubical...I had to fake a cough attack to cover up my giggles :)